yuyaいつも希望通りのスタイルに仕上げてもらってます。 スタッフさんの対応もすごく 良いです。 (Translated by Google) I always get the style I want. The staff was also very responsive. Good.いつも希望通りのスタイルに仕上げてもらってます。
(Translated by Google)
I always get the style I want.
The staff was also very responsive.
Good. -
梶原航太雰囲気がよくて、丁寧にやってくれた あと、肩と頭のマッサージが気持ちよかった (Translated by Google) There was a good atmosphere and the work was done carefully. Also, the shoulder and head massage ...雰囲気がよくて、丁寧にやってくれた
(Translated by Google)
There was a good atmosphere and the work was done carefully.
Also, the shoulder and head massage felt good. -
Jacob捌ききれない程予約を詰め込んで客を待たせるのが当たり前になってる 値段もセンスも並だがカット中につまらない話を振ってくるのがしんどい (Translated by Google) It has become commonplace to make custome...捌ききれない程予約を詰め込んで客を待たせるのが当たり前になってる
(Translated by Google)
It has become commonplace to make customers wait by making more reservations than they can handle.
The price and taste are average, but it's annoying to hear boring stories during the cut. -
なしなしカッコよいカットだけでなく、眉毛も髭もきれいに剃っていただきました! 美容院にはないサービスなので、お勧めです。 (Translated by Google) Not only did he give me a cool cut, but I also had my eyebro...カッコよいカットだけでなく、眉毛も髭もきれいに剃っていただきました! 美容院にはないサービスなので、お勧めです。
(Translated by Google)
Not only did he give me a cool cut, but I also had my eyebrows and beard shaved clean! We recommend this service as it is a service not found in beauty salons. -
KANA A.とても素敵なヘアカラーにしていただきました!大満足です。ヘッドスパも気持ちよかったので次回もお願いしたいと思います! (Translated by Google) I got a really nice hair color! I'm very satisfied. The ...とても素敵なヘアカラーにしていただきました!大満足です。ヘッドスパも気持ちよかったので次回もお願いしたいと思います!
(Translated by Google)
I got a really nice hair color! I'm very satisfied. The head spa felt so good that I would like to order it again next time! -
E初めての美容院でしたがとても親切で丁寧な対応をしていただきました。 カラー剤が残りにくくなるトリートメントのようなものをしていただき、優しく丁寧に髪の毛を触ってくれ、至福のひとときでした!! また来...初めての美容院でしたがとても親切で丁寧な対応をしていただきました。
(Translated by Google)
It was my first time going to a hair salon, but I was treated very kindly and politely.
It was a blissful moment as she did a kind of treatment to prevent color from remaining and touched my hair gently and carefully! !
It was a beauty salon that I would want to come to again.
I fell in love with them so much that I had my son's hair cut on the same day.
I had a problem because I had a lot of hair, but she gave me a refreshing hairstyle that was easy to set. I was overjoyed. I will come again ♪ Thank you very much 😊 -
(Translated by Google)
I showed her a photo of how I wanted her to look, but the length was completely different and her hairstyle was completely different. It was really bad because some Indian-looking people applied wax on me without asking me. Moreover, the set is not good. I'll never come again -
Tomomi Yamamotoいつもとても丁寧にケアしてもらって とても満足しています♪ またお願いします(^^)/ (Translated by Google) Always take very good care of me I'm very satisfied♪ Thank you again (^^)/いつもとても丁寧にケアしてもらって
(Translated by Google)
Always take very good care of me
I'm very satisfied♪
Thank you again (^^)/ -
井上和大いつも、楽しみに通わせて頂いてます^_^ これからも宜しくお願いしま〜す^_^ (Translated by Google) I always look forward to visiting ^_^ Thank you for your continued support ^_^いつも、楽しみに通わせて頂いてます^_^
(Translated by Google)
I always look forward to visiting ^_^
Thank you for your continued support ^_^ -
Yamada Taro-いつも楽しくおしゃれにしてもらって満足してます (Translated by Google) I'm happy that you always make it fun and stylish.いつも楽しくおしゃれにしてもらって満足してます
(Translated by Google)
I'm happy that you always make it fun and stylish. -
西仁誠とても良かったです😊 (Translated by Google) It was very good 😊とても良かったです😊
(Translated by Google)
It was very good 😊 -
鈴木陽太髪のクセを理解してくれていて、いつも満足してます。 (Translated by Google) She understands my hair's curls and I'm always satisfied.髪のクセを理解してくれていて、いつも満足してます。
(Translated by Google)
She understands my hair's curls and I'm always satisfied. -
ssnya 0331とても対応が親切で話もしやすくてとてもいいお店でした。 (Translated by Google) It was a very nice store, very friendly and easy to talk to.とても対応が親切で話もしやすくてとてもいいお店でした。
(Translated by Google)
It was a very nice store, very friendly and easy to talk to. -
makky思い通りのヘアースタイルにして頂きありがとうございます!カラーではハイライトが綺麗に入ってるので家族からいいね!と喜んでます。 スタッフの対応も最高なので毎月行くのが楽しみです。 (Translated by Goo...思い通りのヘアースタイルにして頂きありがとうございます!カラーではハイライトが綺麗に入ってるので家族からいいね!と喜んでます。
(Translated by Google)
Thank you for letting me style my hair the way I wanted! My family likes it because the color highlights are beautiful! I'm happy.
I look forward to going every month because the staff is so helpful. -
杉浦友美スタッフのみなさんとても親切で雰囲気のいいお店です。いつもカラー+カットをしてもらい、満足いく仕上がりにしてもらえます(^^)次回の利用がまた楽しみです! (Translated by Google) The staff are very kin...スタッフのみなさんとても親切で雰囲気のいいお店です。いつもカラー+カットをしてもらい、満足いく仕上がりにしてもらえます(^^)次回の利用がまた楽しみです!
(Translated by Google)
The staff are very kind and the store has a nice atmosphere. I always get a color and cut done and the results are satisfying (^^) I'm looking forward to my next visit! -
Shinichiヘッドスパ疲れがとれます☺ 店を出たあとも外まで出てきて お辞儀してくれるスタッフが 最高のおもてなし❗素晴らしい対応。そんなスタッフがいるお店だから質が良い👍 (Translated by Google) Head spa relieves ...ヘッドスパ疲れがとれます☺
(Translated by Google)
Head spa relieves fatigue☺
Even after leaving the store, he came outside.
A staff member bows to you
Best hospitality❗Great response. The quality is good because it is a shop with such staff 👍 -
伊藤綾雰囲気もよくって、お店が女性と男性がわかれているのもよかったです😃 スタッフさんもみんな丁寧で、話しやすいかたたちばかりでよかったです☺️ また行きたいと思います。 (Translated by Google) The atmospher...雰囲気もよくって、お店が女性と男性がわかれているのもよかったです😃
(Translated by Google)
The atmosphere was nice and I liked that the store was separated for women and men.
All of the staff were polite and easy to talk to, which was nice ☺️
I would like to go again. -
幸代女性用顔剃り。めちゃめちゃ気持ち良いですよ☺️ちょっとお疲れモードの時にやると知らぬ間に寝てますよ😂 (Translated by Google) Face shaver for women. It feels really good ☺️ If you do it when you're feeli...女性用顔剃り。めちゃめちゃ気持ち良いですよ☺️ちょっとお疲れモードの時にやると知らぬ間に寝てますよ😂
(Translated by Google)
Face shaver for women. It feels really good ☺️ If you do it when you're feeling a little tired, you'll be asleep before you know it 😂 -
大嶋富一スタッフの技術が良い (Translated by Google) The staff's skills are goodスタッフの技術が良い
(Translated by Google)
The staff's skills are good -
TKS YNGHRカットは良かった (Translated by Google) The cut was goodカットは良かった
(Translated by Google)
The cut was good -